Griffith University Repair Cafe
Griffith University
Kat has always loved volunteering, especially for initiatives with a sustainability focus. Through volunteering, Kat became involved with the Griffith University Repair Café and consequently, their Green Impact team. Kat aims to share her knowledge and resources with others, including technological tips and tricks (e.g. updating technology for volunteer organisations through grants), teaching others about the environment and how small differences can improve the environment, how to upcycle/recycle found objects (e.g. rubbish) into jewellery and small object works etc.
Kat considers herself a “scientific communicator” and loves communicating environmental challenges through visual art forms. This is evident through her many projects, including the establishment of a Rock and Mineral Lab Swap Box whereby lab participants are encouraged to donate or swap specimens that can be reused, recycled and repurposed, often as jewellery. Kat also participated in the 2024 J&SO Exhibition – Conscious Adornment – whereby students contributed jewellery that embodied the value of a UN Sustainable Development Goal.
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University of Tasmania

Griffith University Repair Cafe
Griffith University
Kat has always loved volunteering, especially for initiatives with a sustainability focus. Through volunteering, Kat became involved with the Griffith University Repair Café and consequently, their Green Impact team. Kat aims to share her knowledge and resources with others, including technological tips and tricks (e.g. updating technology for volunteer organisations through grants), teaching others about the environment and how small differences can improve the environment, how to upcycle/recycle found objects (e.g. rubbish) into jewellery and small object works etc.
Kat considers herself a “scientific communicator” and loves communicating environmental challenges through visual art forms. This is evident through her many projects, including the establishment of a Rock and Mineral Lab Swap Box whereby lab participants are encouraged to donate or swap specimens that can be reused, recycled and repurposed, often as jewellery. Kat also participated in the 2024 J&SO Exhibition – Conscious Adornment – whereby students contributed jewellery that embodied the value of a UN Sustainable Development Goal.